Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tomorrows the big day!

We always look forward to watching General Conference as a family. It is a small and simple tradition to have a big breakfast and then watch conference together. Terica and Travis were unable to watch conference with us this year so they missed out on the yummy breakfast. I think one of my very favorite happenings in watching conference was in the afternoon session when Brady was playing, and as he was learning to master the art of walking, he wanted up on the couch with Greg and I. We looked at a book, then he leaned up against Greg. His little feet and legs were across my lap and he just "chilled". I started rubbing his arm and he loved it. He is definitely like his Mommy in that area. She always loved for her arms to be rubbed. Anyway, he was so comfortable he just fell asleep across us. It was absolutely WONDERFUL. i LOVE HIM SO MUCH! All of the talks were much needed. Can't wait for the Ensign to come out.
Afton said that the hospital called her this morning and told her to hold off on coming to the hospital to get induced. This took her by surprise as she didn't realize she was scheduled to be induced today. Her and Dr. Chang briefly talked about it last Monday but did not set anything in stone. Apparently he thought they did, cause he was ready! After much thought, she did decide to let him induce her tomorrow (Sunday) instead. She is scheduled to be there at 8:00 am. The nurse told her to be there at 6:30am but she suggested 8 instead and they agreed. So tomorrow is the big day. I hope all goes well for her and Emma. I am so excited to hold our little ladybug. I keep letting myself travel down "worry lane" occasionaly. Okay, more often than not! I would give anything to release myself from the bondage of worry! Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a great day. She is hoping for the 6th of April to be her birthday, but will accept the 5th also. She is still such a trooper. No complaints, never whines! I am so proud of her!

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